Peer-reviewed original papers

  1. Mitsunobu S, Suzuki Y, Watanabe K, Yang K, Kim JW (2018) μXAFS and TEM studies of Fe(III) oxides precipitated on submarine basaltic glass from South Pacific Gyre. Chemical Geology, 501, 51-57.
  2. Suzuki Y, Konno U, Fukuda A, Komatsu DD, Hirota A, Watanabe K, Togo Y, Morikawa N, Hagiwara H, Aosai D, Iwatsuki T, Tsunogai U, Nagao S, Ito K, Mizuno T (2014) Biogeochemical Signals from Deep Microbial Life in Terrestrial Crust. PLOS ONE, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0113063.
  3. Mitsunobu S, Muramatsu C, Watanabe K, Sakata M (2013) Behavior of Antimony(V) during the Transformation of Ferrihydrite and Its Environmental Implications. Environmental Science & Technology 47, 9660-9667.
  4. Yokoo N, Suzuki M, Saruwatari K, Aoki H, Watanabe K, Nagasawa H, Kogure T (2011) Microstructures of the larval shell of a pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata, investigated by FIB-TEM technique. American Mineralogist 96, 1020-1027.
  5. Watanabe K, Sekiya M, Kameda J, Wada S, Kogure T (2011) Mineralogical characterization of Asian dust collected in Fukuoka, southwest Japan. Clay Science 15, 43-51.
  6. Watanabe K, Hara T, Tanaka K, Matsui Y (2010) Microcalorimeter energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry of clay minerals by transmission electron microscope. Clay Science 14, 173-176.
  7. Hara T, Tanaka K, Maehata K, Mitsuda K, Yamasaki NY, Ohsaki M, Watanabe K, Yu X, Ito T, Yamanaka Y (2010) Microcalorimeter-type energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer for a transmission electron microscope. Journal of Electron Microscopy 59, 17-26.
  8. Watanabe K, Nakazawa H, Matsui Y (2009) Allophane films formed at the liquid/liquid interface. Applied Clay Science 46, 330-332.
  9. 原徹・田中啓一・前畑京介・満田和久・山崎典子・大崎光明・大田繁正・渡邉克晃・于秀珍・山中良浩・伊藤琢司(2009)マイクロカロリメータEDSを搭載した分析電顕の開発 —現状と今後の展開—.顕微鏡44, 289-291.
  10. Tanaka T, Sato A, Watanabe K, Nagao M, Matsui Y, Kawashima T, Aizawa T (2009) Novel ternary Y-B-C compound: Y10+xB7C10-x (x ≈ 0.1). Journal of Physics: Conference Series 176, 012006 (8pp).
  11. Watanabe K, Ohfuji H, Kitagawa R, Matsui Y (2009) Nano-scale pseudobrookite layer in the glaze surface of a Japanese sekishu roof tile. Clay Minerals 44, 177-180.
  12. Asthana A, Matsumoto A, Kitaguchi H, Matsui Y, Hara T, Watanabe K, Yamada H, Uchiyama N, Kumakura H (2008) Structural–microstructural characteristics and its correlations with the superconducting properties of in situ PIT-processed MgB2 tapes with ethyltoluene and SiC powder added. Supercond. Sci. Technol. 21, 115013 (10pp).
  13. Nagao M, Asaka T, Akahoshi D, Hatakeyama R, Nagai T, Saito M, Watanabe K, Tanaka M, Yamazaki A, Hara T, Kimoto K, Kuwahara H, Matsui Y (2007) Nanostructural evidence at the phase boundary of A- and C-type antiferromagnetic phases in Nd1−xSrxMnO3 crystals. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 492201 (7pp).
  14. Watanabe K, Ohfuji H, Ando J, Kitagawa R (2006) Elemental behavior during the corrosion of sekishu glazed roof-tiles affected by Lecidea sp. (crustose lichen). Clay Minerals 41, 819-826.
  15. Watanabe K, Kitagawa R (2006) Dissolution process of sekishu roof tiles affected by crustose lichen Lecidea sp. grown on their surfaces. Clay Science 12 (Supplement 2), 240-244.
  16. 渡邉克晃・平田貴志・地下まゆみ・小笠原洋・北川隆司(2005)広島花崗岩中の黒雲母のフッ化物イオン含有量.粘土科学44, 191-198.
  17. Watanabe K, Kitagawa R (2004) Alteration mechanism of biotite in granitic rock caused by crustose lichen Porpidia. Clay Science 12, 249-257.

Proceedings (peer-reviewed)

  1. Tanaka K, Mitsuda K, Hara T, Maehata K, Yamasaki NY, Odawara A, Nagata A, Watanabe K, Takei Y (2009) Development of an energy dispersive spectrometer for a transmission electron microscope utilizing a TES microcalorimeter array. AIP Conference Proceedings 1185, 715-718.

Reports and other

  1. 産業技術総合研究所(2011)平成22年度核燃料サイクル施設安全対策技術調査(放射性廃棄物処分安全技術調査等のうち地層処分に係る地質評価手法等の整備)報告書.(分担執筆)
  2. 産業技術総合研究所(2012)平成23年度核燃料サイクル施設安全対策技術調査(放射性廃棄物処分安全技術調査等のうち地層処分に係る地質評価手法等の整備)報告書.(分担執筆)
  3. 産業技術総合研究所(2013)平成24年度核燃料サイクル施設安全対策技術調査(放射性廃棄物処分安全技術調査等のうち地層処分に係る地質評価手法等の整備)報告書.(分担執筆)
  4. 産業技術総合研究所(2014)平成25年度核燃料サイクル施設安全対策技術調査(放射性廃棄物処分安全技術調査等のうち地層処分に係る地質評価手法等の整備(水理関連情報の整備))報告書.(分担執筆)